
All About Sponsorship

Digital Energy Expo provide a unique opportunity for Sponsors and Exhibitors to connect with more than 600 of the most progressive decision makers in the industry. This is your chance to engage with early adopters and capitalize on solid visibility.

Sponsorship Registration

Digital Energy Expo 2024   Digital Energy Expo 2024   Digital Energy Expo 2024   Digital Energy Expo 2024  

Sponsorship Benefits

Position Yourself As A Favorite Among Industry Suppliers



With the strategically designed sponsorship program, your company can get more than just face time with your audience – you’ll get multiple opportunities to build your brand awareness and get noticed before, during and after the DEE 2024.

Become A Sponsor

Market To Your
Target Audience

The DEE 2024 Expo brings together thousands of unique and innovative minds from across the industry. Becoming a sponsor will give your company an increased level of visibility by targeting specific customers and prospects.

Become A Sponsor

Achieve Measurable Results

The sponsorship program gives your company a measurable outreach, Increase booth traffic, and multiply your sales. The sponsorships are tailored to meet your goals, increase your return on investment and maximize your presence at the Expo.

Become A Sponsor

Attract as many visitors as possible @ DEE 2024

Digital Opportunities

> Sponsored email
> Sponsored post on social networks
> Banner on the website
> Webinar, Newsletter
> Your logo on our “Retargeting” banners
> Banner / advertisement on our mobile application

Additional Opportunities

> Visuals on the floor of the exhibition area
> Promotional pens & notepads
> Visitor badge lanyards
> Upgrade in the event guide
> Official bags
> Developer licenses
> Banner above your stand

Sponsorship Levels

Wide Range of Sponsorship Opportunities, Flexible & Optimized for DEE 2024

Principal Sponsor

This sponsorship includes: (non-exhaustive list)

  • Custom Exhibit Space ( Larger Than 36sqm )
  • 12 Complimentary VIP Delegate Pass
  • Full Page Company Profile Shared on Event Website & Brochure
  • Honoured with a Plaque by the Conference Patron
  • Press Release - Logo Inclusion
  • 25% Discount on (add.) Registrations
  • **Contact Us To Learn More Exclusive Features

Diamond Sponsor

This sponsorship includes: (non-exhaustive list)

  • 6x6 Exhibit Space Sq.m
  • 10 Complimentary VIP Delegate Pass
  • Half Page Company Profile Shared on Event Website & Brochure
  • Honoured with a Plaque by the Conference Patron
  • Press Release - Logo Inclusion
  • 25% Discount on (add.) Registrations
  • **Contact Us To Learn More Exclusive Features

Platinum Sponsor

This sponsorship includes: (non-exhaustive list)

  • 6x3 Exhibit Space Sq.m
  • 8 Complimentary VIP Delegate Pass
  • Quarter Page Company Profile Shared on Event Website & Brochure
  • Honoured with a Plaque by the Conference Patron
  • Press Release - Logo Inclusion
  • 20% Discount on (add.) Registrations
  • **Contact Us To Learn More Exclusive Features
Popular Choice

Gold Sponsor

This sponsorship includes: (non-exhaustive list)

  • 3x3 Exhibit Space Sq.m
  • 6 Complimentary VIP Delegate Pass
  • Standard Company Profile Shared on Event Website & Brochure
  • Honoured with a Plaque by the Conference Patron
  • 10% Discount on (add.) Registrations
  • **Contact Us To Learn More Exclusive Features

Silver Sponsor

This sponsorship includes: (non-exhaustive list)

  • 3x3 Exhibit Space Sq.m
  • 3 Complimentary VIP Delegate Pass
  • Standard Company Profile Shared on Event Website & Brochure
  • Honoured with a Plaque by the Conference Patron
  • 5% Discount on (add.) Registrations
  • **Contact Us To Learn More Exclusive Features

Need A Custom Package? Contact Us

If you have specific requests and are looking for sponsorship specifically built around your clients and prospects, we can arrange a face-to-face or phone meeting to better understand your business and marketing objectives and create a personalized proposal for your company.